Dear Readers: starts off 'innocuously' enough, but the motive of GAY BULLIES is painfully obvious for those of us who have been assaulted by them and their devious supporters.
So, without much 'ado' here is what's behind the attack of radical gay bullies on churches and other conservative houses of worship, which I pray will be of some consolation to my church-fellows in New York currently struggling with gay rights and gay marriage, specifically.
Points to understand:
1) The gay bullies responsible for the 'uprisings' in houses of worship are typically not regular parishioners or visitors, and do not generally present themselves as genuine persons of faith. Unlike our LGBT loved ones, these gay bullies wish to usurp houses of worship solely for their political and social gain.
2) LGBT persons of faith are likely to attend UCC (United Church of Christ), and Unitarian churches, Disciples of Christ , Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC) and other 'liberal wings' of traditional churches. Catholic churches are particular targets of gay bullies due to the church's pedophilia 'history'. Gay marriages are already performed in many churches and in secular settings in certain states. But gay bullies are NOT satisfied with this and wish to infiltrate ALL Catholic and conservative Protestant churches for their own personal punitive reasons.
3) Gay bullies are 'one issue voters' and 'one issue church attendees'. They are most likely to volunteer (if at all) for such things as hospitality, food and beverage preparation and event handling, so they can bring more of their 'fellows' into the church.
4) When gay bullies infiltrate a church, it is important to determine who their 'inside contacts' are. No gay bully can make a furtive or spectacular 'entry' without being enabled by at least a couple of church members who are either gay themselves or have a family member or two who is gay. These church members will invariably end up on the O & A (Open and Affirming) Committee or at least be vitally interested in what's going on with that committee.
5) Once the issue of 'gay marriage' is brought up in a church, it will be decided that a 'discussion of homosexuality' FIRST will be useful. Many hours will be devoted to assuring one and all that, like Christ, 'all are welcome'. Gay bullies bank on the good-will and compassion of clergy and Christians to do their deeds.
6) Should anyone be honest and express any anti-gay sentiment, the gay bullies will shout the person down and label him/her as a 'homophobe', utilizing the typical tactics of bullies everywhere.
7) Gay bullies will polarize a church overnight, thus distracting it from all the other work at hand. Be prepared for this.
8) Where gay bullies gain a foothold in churches, 'false good behavior' prevails in those who do not wish to be 'unliked' or called a 'homophobe'. Free speech will be stifled. The whole 'gay marriage discussion' will go underground...just like the gay bullies prefer it to be.
9) As gay rights are discussed more and more, the subject of gay marriage will come up. Many persons have strong feelings about gay marriage. And many are 'okay' with a civil ceremony as opposed to a 'religious ceremony'. But make no mistake: gay bullies will settle for no less than full religious ceremonies in the sanctuary with a Priest or Minister or Rabbi celebrating. Gay marriage proponents in NEW YORK call those who have strong anti-gay marriage sentiments (and who as clergy may not wish to perform gay marriages, as is their right) as using 'sad, filthy tactics'. "Filthy?" Really? How about I'll keep my religion out of your 'uterus' (or in your case, Alvin, your 'prostate')...if you'll keep your self-righteous gay bullying out of my 'faith life'. Deal?
"If this is the case, then it is a sad, filthy tactic which proves that in spite of all of their prayers and talk of upholding God's will, those who oppose marriage equality don't have any suitable arguments to defend their cause and therefore have to exploit the righteous indignation of those oppressed by their lies."
10) Gay bullies and their supporters will insist that just because a church votes to become 'open and affirming' (of LGBT individuals), it does NOT necessarily follow that the church will be performing gay marriages. THIS IS A LIE. Once a church 'goes' 'O & A', gay marriage invariably follows poste haste.
11) Anyone in the church community standing in the way of gay bullies will be confronted with any number of accusations whether true or false, including: claims of violations of civil rights, claims of pedophilia (especially in churches with histories of such), claims of sexual abuse and misbehavior (in the case of Protestant churches where infidelity and illicit affairs are more predominant than pedophilia) and the like. Be aware of this and learn how to protect against 'false accusations'. And if false accusations are made, FOLLOW THROUGH & PROSECUTE!
(Hint for all GAY BULLIES: Another's 'downfall' does NOT serve as justification for your own shortcomings. If you KNOW what it's like to be 'stripped of your rights', why do you seek to strip another of their rights to either perform or not perform gay marriages, each according to their conscience?)
12) Gay bullies will challenge their detractors as being 'bad Christians' for not accepting them and all they demand. They disrespect and discount the Bible and mock long-held Christian beliefs. One of the favorite ploys of gay bullies is to make absurd comparisons of Biblical passages, such as, "Well, if you're going to believe that homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord, then you can't have sex with your wife when she's menstruating." Very quickly, discussion with gay bullies in church gets 'weird'. Be prepared for this.
13) Gay bullies get their way by 'intimidation' when they can. Once they are established in the church, they will tell their opponents, "If you don't like it, then leave." Then they will deny saying such a thing. Sadly, many DO leave a church which is overrun by gay bullies.
14) Gay bullies do NOT represent all gays. Most decent gays, like most decent non-gays (Christians and otherwise) can 'live and let live'. Of course, I may be wrong here, but I like to look for the best in people...which is why I've been so successfully 'suckered' over the course of my life, I suppose. Gay bullies only care about what they can get and not a few of them had 'bad experiences' as children at the hands of 'clergy', so to them it's all about that most un-Christian of concepts, 'payback'. Oddly, gay bullies most strongly align these days with Muslims (who also feel sidelined, although most Muslims are not very open-minded about homosexuality). Gay bullies will also align themselves with 'Black Liberation Theology' proponents. This, also, is a curiosity, since the traditional 'Black church' is fairly straight and conservative.
"BLACK, GAY & MAD AS HELL" (no kidding!)
15) The liberal gay community has a lot of resources for gay bullies to use to further their cause. Outside groups will be brought into your church. Protests may be staged. Money may be 'brought in' with the contingency that gay marriages be performed with all the trimmings.
16) The Pastor must provide moral guidance when the church is under attack by gay bullies. If that Pastor has any secrets of their OWN in their closets, or out, they must disclose and deal with it immediately. Gay bullies are great at 'blackmailing'. Any clergy person or church leader who is at risk of being 'blackmailed' should excuse him/herself from any further interaction in positions of authority with gay bullies. Good churches should always police themselves as believers are admonished to in Scripture.
17) Gay bullies are persistent. They say they want your 'approval', but really what they want is 'to be able to have their big church wedding just like everyone else'. There is nothing particularly noble about this, in fact, though only God knows for certain what is in anyone's heart.
18) Gay non-bullies are often uncomfortable by the bully-tactics of their activist brothers and sisters, which is not to say that they don't secretly or openly approve of such tactics. Still, churches need to be aware that closeted gay members may fear being 'outted' by gay bullies and thus may fall away from the church.
"The Case For Outting Closeted Politicians"
This 'falling away' may be misinterpreted as strong disapproval of the gay bullies, thus causing great anguish for non-radical LGBT persons when they feel like they have lost their church home.
19) It's all about power, sex, money and more sex. Gay bullies know this and it serves the church well to know this and react to it with a 'clean heart'. A favorite tactic is disrespectful disruption of church services:
Gay activists terrorize Boston church
20) The subject of children is a touchy one. Many gay bullies have no authority over their tongues as they debate 'open and affirming/gay rights/gay marriage' issues in church. Parents must be prepared to protect their children from inappropriate speech and actions. And they must be prepared to 'explain' what gay bullies are all about in ways that are age-appropriate for the individual child.
21) Gay bullies (and other LBGT persons) in church are often found to be involved in 'youth activities'. Gay bullies in particular are keen to 'help' young people 'determine whether or not' a child is gay. I cannot stress strongly enough how imperative it is to be vigilant whenever a radical gay bully seeks close contact with church children. Make sure chaperone's are present. Do background checks! Those who are abused sometimes grow up to be gay bullies who abuse children themselves. In this day and age where anything goes, gay bullies must not be trusted even in a so-called 'church setting'. Gay bullies have issues and have some 'out there' justifications!:
(Hint for all GAY BULLIES: Another's 'downfall' does NOT serve as justification for your own shortcomings. If you KNOW what it's like to be 'stripped of your rights', how DARE YOU attempt to STRIP OTHERS OF THEIRS? (In this case, the right to REFUSE to perform gay marriages!)
22) Gay bullies and their silent but ardent supporters are coming to a church near you. All they care about is gay rights and gay marriage and they will 'damn' anyone who disagrees with them and/or gets in their way. They take advantage of Christian hospitality and Christian kindness, knowing full well that in order for Christians to 'live the Gospel' we must love the sinner along with the saint. And we must know that we cannot always tell the difference between the sinner and the saint either! Scripture tells us very clearly that 'even the elect will be deceived' meaning that even churchmen and women will make bad choices and have bad discernment. We are told that in these days, sexual mores will be lax and libertine lifestyles will be common even in religious settings, so that none of us should be surprised.
23) There is one last 'trick' that gay bullies have which they 'pull in church' in order to further their own selfish gay rights and gay marriage ends. They will start to speak of Jesus as being gay. They will speak of the disciples as being gay. They will speak of Jesus and the disciples having gay sex together and they will speak like this in front of all...including the children they are 'trying to help through their wonder years'. I am not aware that there are any Biblical passages that affirm that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is gay, but I am certain that the liberal left gay bullies have a plethora of evidence. It's amazing how even non-Judeo-Christian gay bullies are quick to pull out a Bible verse they don't believe in if it is useful to make their point! Prepare yourself for such talk. There are no limits when it comes to gay bullies justifying a lifestyle they feel they must justify. They will impugn Mother Mary and the other Mary and all the women in the Bible. They will even go so far-as they have in the O & A gay-friendly, gay-marriage performing churches I am familiar with here in CT-as to call God the Father...'Mother'.
24) I've told you these things so that you are prepared when gay bullies attack your church in New York. Be strong in Christ and testify to the truth. Do not forget to be kind to strangers, but use the wisdom and discernment God gave you to determine what gay bully troublemakers are really all about. Most of all, pray for those, both straight and LGBT, who are NOT like gay bullies, but who simply wish to live their lives in peace and in the Love of God. No evildoers will prevail in the end. But in the meantime, true Christians must be strong so that when gay bullies who are interested only in the things of the world assault them and their houses of worship, they will be prepared.
25) It is claimed that legally, no Priest, Minister, Rabbi or other clergy person can be compelled to perform a gay marriage against their wills, nor force a church or synagogue or social center to service a gay event they are not comfortable with. However, gay bullies are already seeing to it that such 'exemptions' be deemed 'unconstitutional' on the grounds that the rights of gay people will be violated.
As it stands, church leaders and their congregations will be the ones with no rights whatsoever should they oppose gay marriage.
Please keep the New York religious community in prayer with me at this time. I have a 'soft place in my heart' for conservative New Yorkers in the religious community, as I was one of the few 'moderate-conservatives' (now fully conservative!) in liberal Connecticut for many years.
The truth was so expertly concealed from me that I want to warn others of this.
I want to warn those involved in church politics in New York that they will be lied to. False promises will be made to them. And when all else fails, bully tactics are sure to follow in their wake from those with no consciences or regard for the law.
The old adage is: 'give them an inch and they'll take a yard'.
The 2011 version of this is: 'give them an inch and they'll try to sue you for violating their 'civil rights' if you don't perform their gay marriages in your churches to their specifications no matter WHAT, if any their 'religious preferences' may be and HOW DARE YOU ASK ANYWAY?
I will never alter my perception of marriage as it is given in the Bible and as it is in my heart as God speaks to me: Marriage is a union of men and women for good so that people don't 'stray' (I know, I know...but remember that we are all but dear sinners) wherein those who are intended to bear children do so and those who are so destined adopt.
I no longer care if gays get married or not as long as they don't 'get into my face with it'.
I don't care if they have a civil or church ceremony, as long as they don't tell me I must sanction gay nuptials in my church sanctuary'. That will not happen.
Others are responsible for what THEY do, as I am responsible for what I do!
A church sanctuary is a holy place in God's house, no matter that my Progressive lib friends consider it to be nothing more than a 'really neat site to have a wedding and to take pictures with the cool stained glass windows'.
Of course, my gay friends, God will know what's really in your hearts and what socio-political points you just had to make at your gay wedding. Rev. Barb is happy to leave it at that.
But there are LOTS of pretty places to have your ceremonies and take your photos. Are you sure you really care about our 'churches' or are you just trying to make some kind of 'statement'?
To all gay bullies: I want you to consider that there are those of us who dedicate our church sanctuaries for holy activities such as worship, communion, baptism, funerals/memorial services, weddings, confirmations and other life-affirming transitions and celebrations.
Do you realize how disrespectful and hurtful you are to insist that you get your way when there are so many other options available to you?
I don't expect the 'worst' of gay rights advocates to understand what I am saying here, especially those who don't have a faith life. The greatest thing I can do for to pray for them and wish them well.
However, I DO expect gay rights advocates to RESPECT MY RIGHT to feel and say as I do as an American citizen who has a right to freely practice my religion.
Neither do I expect GAY BULLIES to understand that my refusal to perform gay marriages is anything other than a PERSONAL CHOICE...and one to which I am entitled, at that.
And strangely enough, I am grateful to the LGBT community in Connecticut, New York and surrounding area and especially to those few of you whom I call 'gay bullies':
You have made me more aware.
You have blessed me and you have freed me.
You have solidified my work and my faith and I am grateful for all that you have done.
Now I only wish that we could 'work together' in true honesty, without the games and subterfuge.
Reverend Barbara Sexton
"The Biblical Biochemist-Where Science Meets the Cross"