Dee Foster http://www.prayershawlministry.net/
Dear Ones:
The other night, after an exhausting day of work, I happened upon a most beautiful person--a person beautiful both inside and outside, it so happens. (See photo above) She is Dee Foster, founder of the 'Beauty From Ashes Prayer Shawl Ministry'. Read here about Dee's latest project and her brilliant work for Christ. Maybe you know someone who could use a 'warm & fuzzy healing hug' and would like to make or provide a shawl for them. Just contact Dee for information.
God Bless the work of your hearts and hands, Dee and your helpers!
Reverend Barb Sexton
And From Dee Foster's Home Page: http://www.prayershawlministry.net/ FROM: http://www.prayershawlministry.net/completed-prayer-shawl-for-physical-healing-2.html
Welcome to Beauty for Ashes – Prayer Shawl Ministry. This site is dedicated to chronicling about the shawls that I crochet for women that are in need of spiritual, emotional and physical healing.
I personally believe that God has placed each and everyone of us on this earth to serve Him by serving others in whatever manner he gives us to do so. Our victories, our failures, our trials….. are never about us. But it is to equip us and empower us to be a blessing to others that God will put in our path.
I started crocheting at an early age and continued to do so even til today. Most recently the Holy Spirit impressed upon my heart that he wanted me to give myself in ministry in this way.
Who Can be Blessed by this Ministry?
* Women that are in need of spiritual and emotional healing.
* Women that suffer from sickness and disease.
* Women grieving the loss of a loved one or broken relationship.
Start reading my journal today and experience the Love of God and the work of the Holy Spirit at work through Beauty for Ashes – Prayer Shawl Ministry. Also feel free to browse the other categories and resources we are building to be a blessing to women everywhere.
There is no charge for a Prayer Shawl. This ministry is funded by donations, sponsored sites and our online marketplace.
And read here about Dee's recent project:
Yesterday, I completed a prayer shawl for a lady that recently underwent hip surgery. I hope that this prayer shawl will be a comfort to her as she continues her recovery.http://www.prayershawlministry.net/
She told me that she still has a little ways to go but she was able to move around with the help of a walker and she is grateful for that.
With every prayer shawl I crochet, I am more and more grateful to God for allowing me to minister to women in this way. My only desire is to be able to create more prayer shawl so that I can be a blessing to more and more women.
For those of you that read this and know how to crochet, I encourage you to start a prayer shawl ministry. It does not take planning and meetings to start this type of ministry. All it takes is a willing heart and making yourself available to God to be used in this way--Dee Foster
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