Pubic lice infesting the eyelash
Okay. So as I predicted in a previous article, LINK: "Occupy Portland" protesters have discovered 'x' number of head and body lice 'cases'.
THIS IS NO BIG DEAL...but it must be dealt with SWIFTLY if these pesky critters are to be eradicated!
Lice and their eggs, known as 'nits', are NOT the end of the world, but they are unpleasant and require vigilance.
Not surprisingly, any and all persons IN CLOSE QUARTERS can easily become infested, especially when items are shared.
Any parent knows, for instance, that head lice can become a major problem in grade-school classrooms as children 'rough and tumble' and share hats, etc. during playtime.
And all homeless shelter facilities...and military encampment areas, for that matter...also run the risk of becoming 'overrun' with lice if things aren't dealt with quickly.
So here's what you must know and do NOW if you are an OCCUPY Protester anywhere:
1) Understand that head/body/public lice can live ANYWHERE on the body. In other words, body lice can be found on the head, etc. These little guys just want to live, eat and reproduce and they don't care if it's on your eyebrows, under your armpits or behind your ears or anywhere else for that matter. Particularly 'hairy' people can harbor an infestation EVERYWHERE, in fact, and certainly not just on their heads. But if there is a doubt as to exactly what type of lice you may have, a health care provider can identify them for you and prescribe the exact remedy that you need. Please note: most over-the-counter preparations are quite effective when used as directed. Also note that shaving/cutting the hair ALONE will NOT rid one of a lice infestation.
2) Lice infestation is not necessarily a reflection of poor hygiene, believe it or not. All it takes is 'person-to-person' contact and/or sharing of clothes and other items for transmission to occur. On the other hand, I have personally seen homeless individuals so loaded with lice that their very BEARDS--at first appearing to be 'gray and grizzled'--were actually TEEMING with what are known as 'cooties' aka lice aka 'crabs'. Not a pleasant sight at all. I've also seen 'eyebrows wiggle', which upon closer inspection proved to be also crawling with lice--such is the reality of life with homeless and other disenfranchised persons.
3) There is only one way to eliminate a lice infestation in a camp, classroom, shelter or barracks: All persons must be treated with a commercial lice preparation. 'Nix', which is 1% permethrin is a good one. Malathion 0.5% in IPA (isopropyl alcohol) is also approved by the FDA for tough head lice cases, but it can cause significant side effects. After treatment, make sure that any remaining 'nits' sticking to their hair shafts ANYWHERE ON THEIR BODIES are removed manually with a 'nit-picking' comb. Liquid detergents and certain 'waxy' substances and hair-care products can help dissolve the 'cement' that holds the nits in place on the hair shaft. Finally, any and all clothing/bedding/etc must be decontaminated by dry-cleaning, or by sealing it all in a plastic bag for a period of at least two weeks (to effectively let the lice die off) or via some heat and/or chemical treatment. LINK: A last resort is 'burning', which would be very dangerous and illegal if done without proper facilities and authorization.
Abscess From Head Lice
Probably the only other caveat I would add here is that should an individual prove to be sensitive to lice attachment to the skin, it is possible for a type of 'dermatitis' (skin irritation, redness and itching) to occur. Usually this can be relieved (after the person is relieved of his or her lice infestation) with a simple anti-itch preparation...again, something your personal health care provider can recommend. Over-the-counter products would include things like calamine and/or caladryl (benadryl) lotion. Consult with your pharmacist for these.On rare occasions, skin that is degraded by lice infestation can become infected by any offending pathogens that it might be exposed to.
In the event of a secondary infection due to lice infestation and eradication, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of getting prompt medical help!
It is rare, but there is always the possibility that some type of regular Staphylococcus (which is found everywhere all over our skins) or a more dangerous strain of Staph, such as MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) LINK: or Streptococcus species ('flesh-eating disease' aka 'necrotizing fasciitis' (pronounced: NECK-crow-TYE-zing FASH-EE-EYE-TUS) LINK: could take hold.
You don't want these.
So, once again, if you have any SKIN INFECTION...'skip' the 'medic tent' and head to a professional health care provider pronto!
From a 'natural standpoint', a dilute solution of essential oils of cedarwood/lavender/eucalyptus in water (two dropperfuls each in a pint of water in a spray bottle) makes a good anti-insect spray for non-skin surfaces. (DO NOT SPRAY THIS DIRECTLY ON THE BODY OR IN THE EYES, ESPECIALLY)
Finally, Kiehl's ORIGINAL MUSK Blend No. 1 Eau De Toilette, when worn with no other scents, is pretty good at keeping biting and flying insects and spiders off the body.
During warm weather I routinely spray my arms and lower legs with this Kiehl's and it does the trick for me. So you might want to try it if you find yourself threatened by lice re-infestation when you're 'trying to keep your distance' and exercising all other common sense precautions like not sharing hats, etc.
As with all 'natural, essential oils' and perfume products, be sure to discontinue use if signs of allergic reaction appear after application of what I have suggested here.
So, go with God, oh 'relentless OCCUPIERS'.
I'm still trying to understand a number of things that 'OCCUPY' supposedly represents. I still don't have a clear view of who and what you are.
Nevertheless, I present this in 'good faith' as I pray that 'lice' is the worst of it for you.
I pray that no major medical outbreaks or other serious events in your 'camps' ever manifest...
And I pray for peace in this world.
In Christ,
Rev. Barbara Sexton
"The Biblical Biochemist-Where Science Meets the Cross"
Image of head lice infestation showing hair strands covered in “nits” or
eggs. Severe itching and scratching can lead to bacterial infection and
clumping of hair from fluid that weeps from the infected area.