ABOVE: Temple Beth El's Rabbi Joshua Hammerman and his son Ethan
Dear Ones:Today was an interesting day. My 16 year-old Catholic granddaughter slept over and we had an opportunity to have a refreshing and fun breakfast together before 'Grandma' got busy on the serious work 'of the day'.
It's Sunday, you see, and what I thought would be a perfect opportunity to inform and prepare my granddaughter for what she may well be exposed to in the coming week regarding one paranoid Rabbi Joshua Hammerman and his unbridled attack on all things Christian.
LINK: http://dearoneshealingministry.blogspot.com/2012/01/original-text-archived-screen-shot-of.html
I told her how about the many who 'stood mute' about all of this.
LINK: http://dearoneshealingministry.blogspot.com/2012/01/inconvenient-truth-for-rev-kate.html
I described things beforehand, told her of Hammerman's 'apologists' (The Interfaith Council of SW CT and many at Temple Beth El) and how they not only don't 'defend Christians', but instead, call Hammerman the 'victim'.
LINK: http://www.stamfordadvocate.com/news/article/Attacks-on-rabbi-are-not-justified-2968055.php
Then I read her lengthy passages of Hammerman's and my own writings. (She doesn't like you for this, Josh, and I don't blame her!)
I told her that Rabbi Josh says she is likely to 'burn mosques, bash gays and trash immigrants'.
LINK: http://dearoneshealingministry.blogspot.com/2012/01/christianophobe-stamford-rabbi-josh.html
"Rabbi Josh 'knows' and speaks for a lot of Jews. Rabbi Josh knows exactly how 'we Christians' will react to any given situation, you see", I told her.
After she read a bit, I solicited her opinion about things, asking, specifically, if all this brouhaha seems like the mere 'ramblings' of a Rabbi who 'misspoke' on the spur of the moment, 'clumsily' and so on and so forth.
The answer was, "NO".
Well now. My granddaughter is one 'smart cookie'!
Clearly, she feels as I do, which is, that Rabbi Josh, Temple Beth El, his 'apologists' and, most of all The Interfaith Council of SW CT are taking us for FOOLS!
This entire interaction was no small accomplishment for a 'mere' Sunday morning, if I do say so myself.
I concluded with the admonition that 'what Grandma Barb writes on the Internet will be around for a long time and I just wanted her to hear about all of this in context, so that she can understand what is truly happening right now.'
But in reality, there is more than this.
I included a warning to my granddaughter that in Progressive Liberal Connecticut, there are those who would bring destruction upon the 'Christian' way of life. Even more, I elaborated, the Rabbi Hammermans of the world seem to single out Catholics in particular as a target for their repellent 'invectives'. This is a 'thing' that they 'do' even in their phoney 'apologies' for transgressions against Christians, in fact:
I showed my granddaughter the piece where Temple Beth El's Rabbi Hammerman essentially categorizes all Catholic clergy as those who are 'into' the 'raping of little boys'.
LINK: http://dearoneshealingministry.blogspot.com/2012/02/on-raping-little-boys-another-anti.html
Now my granddaughter (and daughter and all the young, middle-aged and elderly people in my life) is/are informed that not everyone is enchanted with our 'Christian way of life'.
Now we know to beware of Rabbi Joshua Hammerman, the powers-that-be at Temple Beth El, the Stamford press who has chosen to 'ignore' all of this and, most especially, The Rev. Katie Hechler and The Interfaith Council of SW CT. Here's her letter of support for Hammerman:
LINK: http://www.stamfordadvocate.com/news/article/Attacks-on-rabbi-are-not-justified-2968055.php
These are not people who will support our God-given and United States law 'protected' right to freedom of religion!
But those I counsel are wiser now...more educated and aware. I tell them I'm 'grateful for the warning' let loose by Hammerman's 'hate-writings'.
Never again will any of us in this Progressive Liberal area of the country take our religious rights for granted--well, not as long as Rabbi Joshua Hammerman and his apologists hold sway, at least.
And that was what transpired at breakfast this morning, for me and my Catholic granddaughter.
We had a quiet meal punctuated only by the rancid exclusivity put forth by those claiming to be 'open, inclusive and affirming' and we saw right through it!
Like many breakfasts, it turned out to be 'same stuff, different day', except that one I love is now empowered and will be able to 'deal with' those who would profer forth 'Hammerman Eugencs'.
Then in an effort to embolden and uplift my granddaughter, I reminded her of all the 'good' in the world and of all the 'good people' around us--Christian and Jew and otherwise--including one brave Sheldon Katz who is a congregant of Temple Beth El.
LINK: http://www.facebook.com/sheldon.katz
LINK: http://www.thehour.com/story/518352/my-rabbi-hammerman-problem
LINK: http://www.stamfordadvocate.com/news/article/Discontent-over-rabbi-s-Tebow-column-2696498.php
And there is also this encouraging letter from Maria Zlotnick, also of Temple Beth El:
LINK: http://www.stamfordadvocate.com/news/articleComments/Paper-has-ignored-religious-bigotry-2879718.php
With these true words of encouragement, I am hopeful that those who promote intolerance will not prevail in Stamford, in Connecticut or anywhere in the world.
Still, I can't help but wonder just what proud 'Papa' Josh is telling his son Ethan about all this, if anything?
LINK: http://dearoneshealingministry.blogspot.com/2012/02/rabbi-hammermans-eugenics-solution.html
Has he even mentioned it?
I wonder if he is as 'open' with his son Ethan as I am with my granddaughter?
Does the Rabbi 'teach eugenics' to his son in his anti-Christian zeal as a solution to rid the world of Christians?
I pray not.
God Bless You
Rev. Barbara Sexton
"The Biblical Biochemist-Where Science Meets the Cross"