courtesy http://www.wittnessed.wordpress.com/
Dear Ones: Here is a very good article detailing the great surprise seismologists and others are experiencing at the discovery that the EPICENTER of the huge 9.0 magnitude JAPAN EARTHQUAKE is in a VERY UNEXPECTED LOCATION!
Japan Quake Epicenter Was in Unexpected Location
By Devin Powell, Science News March 17, 2011
"The epicenter of the quake was about 80 miles east of the city of Sendai, in a strip of ocean crust previously thought unlikely to be capable of unleashing such energy."

"Images: The March 11 Sendai earthquake (epicenter shown as star) occurred when the westward-moving Pacific Plate took a sudden dive beneath northern Japan’s plate, the identity of which is disputed among scientists. (USGS 'Shakemap')"-'Wired Science'
MAP LINK: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/shakemap/global/shake/c0001xgp/ Oh, my. And here we 'arrogant humans' like to think we can 'second-guess' the Great Designer when it comes to things of 'global proportion'!
In fact, our 'arrogance' is one of the reasons that some 'fatuous' global-warming theories...that is, that man, himself, is capable of causing massive glacier melt and the like all by his lonesome...are so patently absurd.
And even more absurd is the liberal Greenie allegation that MANKIND is responsible for the Japan earthquake!
But back to this surprise article:
"This area has a long history of earthquakes, but [the Sendai earthquake] doesn’t fit the pattern,” says Harold Tobin, a marine geophysicist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. “The expectation was high for a 7.5, but that’s a hundred times smaller than a 9.0."
LINK: http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/03/japan-earthquake-surpise/
"The Sendai earthquake occurred at the Japan Trench, the junction of the westward-moving Pacific Plate and the plate beneath northern Japan. Historical records, one of seismologists’ best tools for identifying areas at risk, suggest that this segmented fault has produced several earthquakes bigger than 7.0 in the 20th century alone — but none bigger than 8.0."
"That’s why the Japanese government has long focused on the nation’s southern coast and the northward-moving Philippine Plate, which has a proven ability to generate large quakes."
LINK: http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/03/japan-earthquake-surpise/
"The Sendai earthquake occurred at the Japan Trench, the junction of the westward-moving Pacific Plate and the plate beneath northern Japan. Historical records, one of seismologists’ best tools for identifying areas at risk, suggest that this segmented fault has produced several earthquakes bigger than 7.0 in the 20th century alone — but none bigger than 8.0.
That’s why the Japanese government has long focused on the nation’s southern coast and the northward-moving Philippine Plate, which has a proven ability to generate large quakes."
LINK: http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/03/japan-earthquake-surpise/
Please take a moment and read this article by Devin Powell on 'Wired Science'. It will be worth your while.
And don't forget to 'read through' my 'Tutorials' (keyword below click-on) to get up to speed with understanding how Geomagnetic storms and severe earth weather are related.
You will learn how energy from the sun combines with the earth's innate energy to produce phenomena such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, floods, tornadoes and other fearsome events.
For those who live in what they believe to be 'relatively safe zones' as far as earthquakes are concerned, I would urge you to re-think things.
Do not be afraid, but be realistic and ready.
God Bless You
Reverend Barbara Sexton
"The Biblical Biochemist-Where Science Meets the Cross"
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