Dear Readers:
I've got to hand it to Maureen Boylan, especially in view of her recent 'letter to the editor'
Not only does this lady have the 'intel', she's also not afraid to 'name names'.
In fact, Maureen does what few others are either capable of or willing to do.
She fearlessly 'calls into accounting' those politicos who have been off on a bender for a very long time now in Connecticut.
She's 'had it'--as many of us have-- with the 'wilding' that is going on where the good-faith and dollars of honest, hard-working taxpayers are abused as if it is the right of the 'Progressive Lib Dem 'ruling class' to do so.

Maureen Boylan and Barbara LeCornec beamed after they obtained their Connecticut civil union license Saturday morning at Stamford City Hall.
Politics is intoxicating, isn't it?
I have no choice but to believe that the 'ruling powers' get some kind of perverse 'kick' out of brow-beating those who do not share their liberal ideologies."Shared sacrifice", indeed.
I'm not talking about compassionate assistance for the young, the elderly and those with special needs--not at all.
I am not talking about denying ANYONE decent medical care, either, but, rather, refer to the 'libertine special interest groups' Progressive Lib Dems particularly 'pander to'.
'They' will squeeze us for our last hard-earned dime in order to subsidize those promised their 'various entitlements', without the slightest regard for the fact that most (formerly) well-heeled Connecticut residents are ALREADY subsidizing many of their friends and family members.
But do Progressive Libs understand that particular principle of hard-working conservatives?
While conservatives only know how to donate, help, render assistance and give to others, Progressives only know how to set up 'grant seeking' 501 (c) 'non-profits' to grease their political machines or to become their political machines.
Then they set up an Attorney General who will not entertain any questions about them, just as on the federal level we have a U.S. Attorney General with his own agenda, whatever that may be.
For some reason, Progressive Libs consider themselves to be 'impervious' to calls for 'shared sacrifice' and all I can say is 'Shame on them!'.
The Progressive Libs want to rule and subjugate 'special interests' and the poor by creating a 'beholden constituency', who will vote 'often' and exactly as commanded.
They want to tell ALL how to live, how to give and when and where to do it.
And if worse comes to worse and one balks too much...or is not 'subjugated enough' the Progressive Libs then simply attempt to 'shut us up and out' and tell us to move along.
Well, good luck shutting up the likes of Maureen Boylan.
Just last night at a Tea Party Patriots meeting, I brought her name up in the context of a discussion we were having about voter fraud a la Bridgeport in the November 2010 election cycle.
I referred to Maureen as a 'lone brave soul' and how even with her 'resources' she was not capable of affecting or changing recent election how can 'we'?
I don't have an answer to that, but Ms. Boylan's letter certainly is a breath of fresh air for those of us who are marginalized conservatives in a wild Progressive Lib bastion state.
We'll persist, she'll persist and perhaps by the time our children and grandchildren come of voting age, there will actually be a CHOICE amongst politicians.
Perhaps there actually will be a 'non-corrupt' choice to 'tick off' on legal ballots which will be 'correct in number', not photocopied, and filled out during legitimate polling place hours on election day..
Perhaps 'nepotism' will not be the accepted order of the day in any town or city in Connecticut.
Perhaps our children and grandchildren will be able to vote in fair elections where arbitrary calls are not made in abuse of the reverse 911 system.
I pray this will be the case.
Then even if our conservative young ones fail to see their candidates elected, at least they will have the peace of mind and heart that they 'lost' fairly and squarely.
It's a pipe-dream for us now, but God-willing, with good people like Maureen Boylan around who are literally willing to put it on the line, we may get there someday.
Scripture tells us, "The leech has two daughters. Give! Give! they cry." (Proverbs 30:15 (NIV)
Enough have heard this long enough and recognize it as coming from those who 'rule' our state.
It's so bad that no sane, viable businesses or individuals would choose to stay in, let alone move to Connecticut and the loss is great.
To be in Connecticut today is literally 'fiduciary suicide' for businesses large and small and we all know it.
Read any of the numerous 'anonymous' commenting areas online and you will see that the true heart of Progressive Lib Dem sycophant reveals a 'if you don't like it here, get the hell out of here' mentality.
Seriously. That's what they say to those who are not quite liberal enough for this area.
Progressives are so close-minded that anyone not just like them need not speak and should just leave. Get it???
And, sure enough, with the long-standing 'old guard' in place, we've watched the inexorable migration of big corporations out of Fairfield County and out of Connecticut.
Not coincidentally, this has all originated way back in the late eighties with the massive corruption uncovered in the Tri-State United Way,, 'Progressive Lib causes' to which these large corporations donated frequently and generously.
Just as the rich corporate community in Stamford 'got wise' and 'got going'...(those who survived, anyway)... so goes the private community nowadays in Fairfield County.
It's a shame, really.
Connecticut is such a physically beautiful place and it's a shame that there is such 'ugliness in high places'.
Then we have 'Maureen The Magnificent' and again we believe we can keep on keeping on despite it all.
She's one sweet beauty and one worth keeping, this Maureen Boylan.
God Bless You
Reverend Barbara Sexton
"The Biblical Biochemist-Where Science Meets the Cross"
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