'Gadsden Flag"
says Rev. Barb Sexton Now read on--

THIS MONDAY, MAY 31st is MEMORIAL DAY. Please take the time to gather together as Americans and remember the heroes that have fought and those that fight today to keep our homeland safe. America is a place of prosperity that we must never let down.
THERE WILL BE NO MEETING, May 31st. Our next scheduled meeting is on Monday, June 6th at the SBC Restaurant and Brewery, 131 Summer Street in Stamford, 7-9pm.

The week in review:
At the Republican Convention held this past Friday and Saturday candidates were endorsed by the CT GOP.
These included:
Sam Caliguiri CD5
Dan Debicella from the CD4
Jerry Labriola CD3
Daria Novak CD2
Joe Visconti CD1
Linda McMahon for US Senate
Tom Foley for Governor
Mark Boughton for Lt Governor
Martha Dean for Attorney General
Jeff Wright for Comptroller
Jerry Farrell for Secretary of State
Most of these races are going to primary. Some candidates qualified by getting at least 15% of the delegates' votes. And many are going to get signatures to petition for a place on the ballot.
This will be a unique event for the people of CT in August with so many great candidates stepping up. We, the people, have been blessed to have the opportunity to choose the one that most represents us. I encourage all to thoroughly vet them as the races move to the August 10th election. Many videos are available at www.gstpp.org Vetting events such as debates, forums and meet & greets will be posted as they come up between now and November 2nd.
Sunday afternoon: Tri-State Liberty Summit. About 250 patriots came out to hear about:
*Election law and strategies
*Successful political campaigning
*Making the media work for you
*The Left’s 100-year war on our Republic
*How to fight the RINOs and win
From all I heard from it was a very enjoyable and enlightening event. Several were so inpired that they have come forward to join the local movement and are now actively participating. Thank you Bob MacGuffie, of Right Principles and Dick Armey of Freedom Works for getting people to the forefront.
"I went to this one and was glad I did! I came away inspired and empowered.", says Rev. Barb Sexton

Monday night we met with concerned members of the Stamford Board of Ed. As citizen advisors Lorraine Olson and Carmine Limone explained the possible dilemma facing the taxpayers of Stamford a plan of action was devised to support their initiative. A group of G/S tea partiers quietly protested at the Board of Ed meeting.
Tueday night, "OPERATION FALLING STARR", the report....
Starr power: Meeting stirs debate over Stamford superintendent's future
Wynne Parry, Staff Writer
Published: 12:04 p.m., Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Page 1 of 1
STAMFORD -- News that Superintendent Joshua Starr is seeking to renegotiate his contract sparked an informal referendum on his tenure, particularly on middle school reform, from a parade of speakers at Tuesday night's Board of Education meeting. Meanwhile, four silent Tea Party members, let their signs -- bearing slogans like "Got Fiscal Responsibility?" -- do the talking.
Among those objecting to the request, a theme was: Wait a year. Starr has two years left on his current contract, but he is seeking to negotiate a three-year contract. In spite of the public presence on Tuesday night, there was no discussion of the issue on the board's agenda.
"We are not here to debate middle school reform, but I think middle school reform is why I am standing here in front of you," said Alan Stockman, a parent who asked that the board not to extend the contract, "because I am unhappy with the way the process proceeded... I believe healthy debate and dissent was not encouraged."
Those who questioned the reform, particularly, a reduction in ability grouping were unfairly cast as liars and supporters of a system that trapped some students at the bottom, Stockman said.
Starr has not discussed the details of what he hopes to see in any new contract, including compensation or benefits. Several speakers, however, focused on the monetary implications.
A new contract is not necessary and offers no benefit for the city at this time, said Nicole Zussman, a parent. "It would be fiscally irresponsible to extend a contract on one of our highest paid city employees," she said.
Another speaker, Daniela Kelly, predicted further political change, when new board members are elected in November, following the election of board members last year who are much less supportive of Starr.
"I think we should wait it out," she said.
Supporters also made a strong showing.
"I would also like to thank Dr. Starr for his strong, long-term vision that is starting to show results," said Marcella Branca, a parent. "I really hope renegotiation of the contract will be successful so your family can begin to benefit from your hard work as much as my family has."
Starr has said that if an agreement is reached he plans to move his family, including two school-aged children, from Brooklyn, N.Y. to Stamford.
Susanna Vidan, a parent facilitator at Hart Magnet Elementary School who has two children in the system, attacked other speakers' assertion that the board should wait one more year to evaluate the data on Starr's work, particularly middle school reform.
"I think it's ridiculous when they already have five years," she said. Vidan lauded Starr for reaching out "to communities that usually get neglected," such as the black and Hispanic families. "At least he listens and he wants to help," she said. "All the parents that think he is not reachable, I would say you do not know how to pick up a phone."
Former Board of Education member Angela Lorenti also pointed out that the improvement plan approved by the State Board of Education -- which incorporates changes to ability grouping -- will remain regardless of whether Starr is the one to carry it out.
Members of the Greenwich-Stamford Tea Party Patriots showed up after hearing from two concerned board members, according to Mickey Raimondi, who carried a sign telling Starr that renewing his contract before the two years were up is not fiscally responsible.
"It's like an Obama thing, where they have already made up their minds," he said of the board members.
"We believe in fiscal responsibility and justice for the taxpayers," said Philip Balestriere, also a Tea Party member.
Board Member Lorraine Olson confirmed that she and fellow board member Carmine Limone had shared their concerns about renewing the contract with Tea Party members.
"They had asked our thoughts," she said. Limone declined to comment.
Starr also shared his perspective during the meeting.
Every year at this time, he said he seeks either to extend or renegotiate his contract with the board.
"I have a sincere desire to continue to do the work we have done for five years," he said listing work on math, science and literacy, training and collaborative planning time for teachers, and other initiatives during his five-year tenure in Stamford.
"If we can agree on a reasonable contract that will bring me out through three years.. my family has agreed to move to Stamford," said Starr, who has three young children and lives in Brooklyn.
Moving to Stamford would both allow him to spend more time with his family, as well as participate in the community in different ways than he is currently able.
The Board of Education has begun its performance evaluation of Starr, a process which will extend into June.
Â-- Staff Writer Wynne Parry can be reached at 203-964-2263 or wynne.parry@scni.com.
My follow up....
Letter to the editor:
If Superintendant Starr is doing a great job now then it would be expected a year from now, if nothing has changed, there would be no reason for concern to renew/renegotiate his contract at that time. Why is there the urgency to extend his contract?
If he wants to move his family here, he can move his family here. It is his free will to do so. His requested terms for a renegotiated contract are unknown at this time. However, if he is looking for a possible housing allowance and/or moving expenses, where would that money come from? The 2010/11 budget presented was passed and deemed fiscally responsible with the approval of the board of finance. Monies could not come from raising taxes to cover any additional expense for a renegotiated contract. So would the money have to come from a program that had to be funded, a position that had to be maintained or materials that had to be procured? If there is any room found in this budget to increase his pay/benefits when the teachers took a zero raise for the year I think there is something not quite prudent with his possible request. And if that cost is going to be passed off to a later budget when we are in such economically uncertain and challenging times the fiscal responsibility question arises again.
The motivation for renegotiation, if only to secure his position for a job well done, certainly leaves me thinking. Putting aside the highly objectionable middle school reform program and the selection of the questionably qualified principal at the high school, why the push? If Superintendant Starr and five of his board members are confident with his choices then following normal contractual proceedings shouldn't be an issue.
The tea party movement's principles of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government and free markets operating devoid of chrony-capitalism apply to federal, state and local governance.
From the land of the free because of the brave,
Monique Thomas
Greenwich/Stamford Tea Party Patriots
Rev Barb says, "Way to go, Monique. Thank you. You're points are oh-so-well taken!"

Petition signature collection!
Signature collection for petitions ends June 8th.
The following candidates are petitioning for the ballot for the 4th Congressional District electorate:
Peter Schiff www.schiffforsenate.com and Vinny Forras www.vinnyforras.com for US Senate
Rob Merkle www.merkleforcongress.com , Tom Hermann www.jointeamtom.com and Rick Torres www.ricktorres2010.com for 4CD US Representative
Duffy Acevedo www.duffyforgovernor.com for Governor
Please look into these men. More vetting info at www.gstpp.org If there are any that you are particularly fond of I encourage you to get their petitions and collect signatures for them. Time is of the essence. Contact there campaigns directly for details to participate.
ALSO Barry Haines running for State Senator is in need of signatures, as well...
We Need a Citizen Legislator,
NOT a Professional Politician
Dear Friend:
Many volunteers will help next week to get primary petitions signed for me to qualify for the Republican primary for Connecticut's 27th state Senate seat. If you would like to be one of the volunteers and have not already talked with me about it, then please let me know ASAP.
We will have a fundraiser (min. = $5, max. = $100) at the Belltown Fire House beginning at 6PM next Wednesday, May 26th. It will also be a rally and celebration for the state Senate candidate who actually has a SOLUTION for the Education Cost Sharing (ECS) formula!
If you have not yet seen the campaign video, then please check it out: www.youtube.com/Haines2010 . And if you're not familiar with the SOLUTION for the ECS funding, then please read the "Opeds" section of www.HAINES2010.com .
Hope you can make it to the fundraiser and it would be fantastic to have your help with obtaining the primary petition signatures.
Andrew McDonald will be removed from office later this year and it will be a major grassroots effort that gets us to that result. There will be much brighter days for Connecticut in the near future!
Barry Haines

David Pia District 22 Trumbull, Bridgeport, Monroe is primarying and looking for support for his campaign...
I look forward to meeting with you and your friends and to serving you in Hartford .
Thank you very much for your kind consideration and support.
Warmest Regards,
PS If you are interested in hosting a coffee, meet and great or another event where I can meet family, friends and other potential supporters, please let me or my campaign manager, Chadwick Ciocci, know at ChadwickCiocci@Gmail.com.
PPS We will only win this primary and the election in November with YOUR support. Please make a donation of $5 or more at www.PIAFORSTATESENATE.com.
Congress already has the right to veto regulations from unelected bureaucrats, that power resides in the Congressional Review Act.
Senator Murkowski R-AK is trying to force a vote that would close the door on the EPA’s global warming regulations, According to Sen. Murkowski’s office, the vote on SJ Res. 26 should be happening before Congress goes on their memorial break, we need to help get that vote to the floor.
SJ Res.26 (Easy read, only 2 pages)
The current vote count is:
Yeas – 41
Nays – 38
These are the Senators that are either swing votes or leaning Nay. Please call them letting them know that Congress has the power to stop the EPA and they need to use it now.
We need to get these Senators to vote Yea on SJ Res. 26
Talking Points
Reading Material:
EPA's Global Warming Regulations: A Threat to American Agriculture
Small Business Impact of the EPA Endangerment Finding
EPA’s Fuel Efficiency Standards: Bad News for the Consumer
Rockefeller Takes on the EPA, Sort Of

american Graphic Comments
MINI TEA PARTIES: Educating ourselves and others on the issues in regularly scheduled outdoor events. Enjoy the beautiful weather and get some fresh air and sunshine.
Arizona immigration law SB1070
Financial Stability Act aka Tarp II
Seeking candidates to fill state rep. districts 144, 145, 146 and 147 in Stamford
Who ARE the candidates running for state and federal offices?
Any other issue you want to learn about or want to share your knowledge of...come on out!
Bring your signs, flyers and friends.
Every Friday, from 5-7pm we host a mini tea party rally outdoors at:
50 East Putnam Ave
AND...Every Saturday from noon to 2PM we host a mini tea party in front of the Ferguson Library in Stamford, CT. Please come and join us! Bring a friend.
One Public Library Plaza, Stamford, CT 06904
(Corner of Broad St. & Bedford St.)
FREE PARKING at the municipal garages

american Graphic Comments
Many folks have asked about bus arrangements to the Washington DC on 8/28 for the Glenn Beck Restoring Honor Rally
Here's info that I received. If you're interested.... read instructions ...contact Joan Pagliuco (bottom) .
forward to your friends:
Come join fellow patriots of the 9.12ers of Southern Connecticut for the
I have arranged for a bus and 25 rooms at the L'Enfant Plaza Hotel
On August 28, 2010 come be a part of history by joining Glenn at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial for the Restoring Honor Rally. This is a non-political fundraiser for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. This non-profit provides support and assistance to the families of wounded and fallen special operations personnel. This includes 60,000 of America's elite troops such as Navy SEALs, Army Green Berets and Rangers, Air force combat controllers and Marine Corps special operators.
Show your support today by donating to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation (www.specialops.org).
Here are the details:
•Friday, August 27, 2010, 8:00AM - Depart from the commuter parking lot on Penny Lane, Trumbull, CT, (off of Route 108, across from Hawley Lane).
Arrival at the hotel is estimated to be at 1:05 PM.
•Arriving for 4:00 check in at L'Enfant Plaza Hotel
•Returning Sunday August 29 at approximately 9 PMSunday, August 29, 3:45PM - Depart from L’Enfant. Arrival in Trumbull is estimated to be at 9:00PM. Arrival times are estimates and are dependent on traffic, weather, etc.
•HOTEL: L’Enfant Plaza Hotel, 480 L’Enfant Plaza S.W., Washington, DC 20024 202 484-1000
•RATE: per room for 2 nights = $226.71, single, double or triple occupancy + 7.50 per person mandatory porterage fee. Rate includes DC room tax of $14.5% currently, subject to change.
•Check-in time is 4:00PM. Checkout time is 12:00 noon.
A discounted $21 rate per person per day is available for a full breakfast buffet at the American Grille iL’Enfant Hotel.
•Full payment is due no later than July 13, 2010, by check payable to Traveland, Inc., for coach, room, tax and porterage. Space is limited and will be allocated on a first-come basis.
•Room costs are fully refundable, less a $10 processing fee, provided a written cancellation is received at least 24 hours prior to the day of arrival and a cancellation number is obtained.
•COACH: 55-passenger coach with on-board restroom, TV and DVD player.
•COST of the coach, driver and DC bus permit (excluding gratuities) is $68 per person, based on 50 total passengers. If the group number falls below 50, the cost will be adjusted accordingly. If the group reaches 55 passengers, the excess will be returned to the leader towards gratuities.
Joan Pagliuco, CTA
Posted by Rev. Barb Sexton
"The Biblical Biochemist-Where Science Meets the Cross"

american Comments