Recently on FACEBOOK, I made some comments on the JEWISH TEA PARTY site regarding the role of The First Congregational Church back on September, 11, 2001. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000919424310#!/group.php?gid=114115391933221&ref=ts I publish them below in their entirety for those who are interested, including 'the remnant of members' of that of the very church, also known as 'FCC Stamford'. FCC Stamford is a UCC (United Church of Christ aka the 'Obama/Wright' church) http://www.fccstamford.org/ http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000919424310#!/fccstamford?v=wall&ref=ts and is also known as the 'Pilgrim church'.
I was and am still a member there, though I no longer have any affinity for it and that all thanks to Synod 2007 http://dearoneshealingministry.blogspot.com/search/label/Synod%202007 I used to be so proud of that place--the good type of 'proud', that is. We held close to Christian tenets, did good outreach, were 'colorful and diverse' and it all worked! Nowadays, the place has been commandeered by a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered (LGBT) mentality melded with Black Liberation Theology. And, it seems, the FCC Stamford will now host a prayer vigil 'in support of Muslim communities' on August 24 http://www.interfaithcouncil.org/
UPDATE: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/12/samuel-l-jackson-obama-vote-black_n_1271797.html
Call me skeptical, but I believe this 'prayer vigil' is no more than a latest foray into the NYC/anti-Muslim mosque debate. It may just put FCC Stamford and the Interfaith Council right back on the map if they 'front' this mosque project. FCC Stamford is pro-Palestine and pro-Muslim and totally suited to the job. I can't say for sure what is going on with the 'Interfaith Council of Southwestern CT' and where they stand, except to say that that Council has died over the years and could sure use this 'picker-upper' event. Money's tight, you know.
Not many of the characters related to this upcoming 'prayer vigil'--from the FCC Stamford, anyway--have much, if any, first-responder, hands-on experience going back to that fateful day on September 11, 2001. Indeed, many of them were no where near Stamford at the time--facts unfortunate considering that their upcoming activities will have them performing as if they actually knew anything about what happened that cruel September day in the pipeline between Stamford and NYC and surrounding communities.
So I thought it might be useful for these Muslim supporters to read about what DID happen in Stamford that day, in one area of the religious community, at least. Perhaps it will help them to have some basis of understanding when they DO get all wrapped up in promoting the NYC Ground ZERO mosque. Perhaps they may even be impelled to consider the feelings of 'everyday' Jews and Christians who suffered loss and destruction as a result of 'September 11', but I won't hold my breath.
I also won't hold my breath for any Muslim groups to hold prayer vigils in support of Jewish communities, because we know that that just won't happen, and if it does, someone please fill me in.
So, now 'the church that got President Obama elected' ( FCC Stamford/the UCC) is going to 'get that Ground Zero Mosque built'? Is that the true purpose of this upcoming August 24 vigil? If this vigil is in response to some evangelical shenanigans by a 'few', why not hold this pro-Muslim vigil in Bridgeport? And why not hold pro-Jewish and pro-Christian vigils for those 'hurt by' fringe Muslims, also, oh Interfaith Council Crew? Have you done that? Are you doing that? Will you do that?
I know I'm talking to air, but I do hope that if nothing else, we'll at least hear some 'moderate' or 'good' Muslims speak up, here in Stamford or elsewhere, finally, and not just one of their 'funds-seeking' apologists. One can only hope. That in itself is worth the price of renting out that FCC sanctuary to anyone at all who can come up with the scratch and is of the right socio-religious 'bent'. I just hope that the news media can get the 'good Muslims' on the record for all of us to read about.
Christel Truglia, Andrew McDonald and George Jepson have been 'regulars' at FCC Stamford ', so that you readers can get a flavor for what kind of progressive-lib dem atmosphere wafts through there. It's a perfect place for what is about to transpire.
Now, without further adieu, here's my 9/11/01 Jewish Tea Party narrative BELOW: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000919424310#!/group.php?gid=114115391933221&ref=ts The question was asked: "Where's outrage from Muslim leaders?" (regarding the NYC Mosque)
CapeCodOnline.com www.capecodonline.com
We hear a great deal about remembering that the United States is not in a war against those who practice Islam. It is less clear if some who practice Islam try to remember that as well.
Rev. Barb's answer:
"I have a partial answer for you. Prior to Sept. 11, 2001, there was some interaction between Christianity/Judaism/Islam on a local level with the (then) 'Interfaith Council'. The truth is, a few of us did small-scale work--for me it was interacting with the 'Christian-Muslims' who frequented my church (FCC Stamford). After 9/11, ALL of such interaction CEASED.
After 9/11, vandalism of local Temples was met by those of us who 'cared' by getting involved with defending the Jewish community in solidarity. However, the security involved (like mirror-checks, etc at the Stamford JCC) intimidated many Christians and their clergy. They were scared, basically. The Muslim community was ABSENT and SILENT when Temples/Synagogues were vandalized.
Finally, I asked my Sr. Pastor Gary Brown (who eventually headed the Council of Churches & Synagogues aka The Interfaith Council of SE CT in one of it's 'incarnations') what his take was as to 'why no one from the Muslim community attended meetings and/or did outreach?' I kept pestering him to show me just ONE EXAMPLE of 'the good Muslims' coming forth to decry events, but he could not.
I tried some local outreach myself and met with failure to connect in any way. Finally, my Sr. Pastor told me, "They're (the Muslim Community) afraid and that's why they don't come out."
AFRAID??? Hadn't we joined together in solidarity--the different faiths--to DEFEND each other in time of need? Rabbi Josh Hammerman sure thought so, if any of you know him. The "They're afraid to" comment fell on my deaf, disbelieving, disrespecting ears.
I'll tell you about afraid: I saw F-16's flying over my Stamford church, I helped man triage staging between the train station (for the WTC 'walking wounded' who never came) & Stamford Hospital.
I 'did' over two years of PTSD counseling for emergency personnel first responders in the area while suffering myself and I manned a church where people clustered, wept, prayed, waited and wondered that day and for months afterwards. Nary a Muslim that I am aware of stepped up in this city and pitched in that day or afterwards. (If they did, this is a good time to speak up about it now.)
So I can tell you what 'AFRAID' is. I KNOW what humans can RALLY TO with faith in God and how we can work together. I never spoke of this publicly before-sorry if this is too much, but every word here is true and a good lesson for all of us everywhere and not just those of us so close to 'Ground Zero'.
Blessings to you,
Rev. Barbara Sexton
"The Biblical Biochemist-Where Science Meets the Cross"
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